
1864 Restoration - Saladee's Patent Deck of Playing Cards

Created by Michael Scott

Originally Manufactured by Samuel Hart in 1864. 1st known deck in US to have corner Indices.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production continues! Here are pictures of the coins
over 8 years ago – Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 12:36:50 AM

Here are some pics of the coins. They turned out great!

Proofs of Decks
over 8 years ago – Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 11:58:17 AM

The proof I posted of the Weathered deck yesterday was a pre-proof, the queen of Diamonds was incorrect. Here are the proofs of the decks.

Standard Deck Proofs
Standard Deck Proofs
Original Release Proofs
Original Release Proofs
Weathered Deck Proofs
Weathered Deck Proofs

Proofs finished/Production started
over 8 years ago – Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 11:25:18 PM

The production on all decks has started. Here are pictures of the proofs of the weathered deck. More to come :)

Weathered Deck Proofs
Weathered Deck Proofs

Thank You!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 12:58:37 PM

First off a big thank you to all of you generous backers, without you we couldn't bring this deck back to life. 

I am now finishing the tedious steps of the artwork. I will be updating you though production with pictures of progress. 

There will be a backerkit survey along with the regular survey, I do this because it helps organize our fulfillment in a big way. You'll be seeing those surveys very soon. 

On the standard deck we have 4 cards included with the standard 52, they will be as follows. A restoration cert card, The Bazique Register Card, The Imperial Bower Card and a blank card. 

Samuel Hart came out with the Imperial Bower card one year earlier in 1863 and the Bazique Register card actually lists his patent on it. Standard Jokers didn't come out until the very end of the 1860's. The game Euchre made the blank card either a trump or Joker and so many of these early decks featured the blank card until the advent of the right and left bowers or Jokers. 

If you backed the Murphy Varnish deck you no doubt noticed the blank card. I was pretty excited about how the deck turned out and I am so excited to get this one in your hands as well. 

I have had a lot of questions if I will do the 2nd color weathered deck.  It just wasn't feasible during this campaign. However, I am thinking of doing a small campaign with only limited Weathered decks which may include the Mauger and Triplicates. Let me know if that is something that would tickle your fancy :)

5 Days left:)
over 8 years ago – Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 10:30:58 PM

Greetings Card Lovers,

We have 5 days left on this campaign and one more little push to get it funded. Just an FYI, as of the time of the update there are 2 pledges with the weathered deck open. I have had a few questions on what decks come with which pledges. So to make it a little easier I posted a chart on the main page that shows the decks you get with each pledge. Here it is for you to check out in the update:

Here is our card of the day, the Queen of Clubs:

Queen of Clubs Standard Deck
Queen of Clubs Standard Deck

 Here is the short link again if you wan to share :)