
1864 Restoration - Saladee's Patent Deck of Playing Cards

Created by Michael Scott

Originally Manufactured by Samuel Hart in 1864. 1st known deck in US to have corner Indices.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Hearts for Valentine's Day
over 8 years ago – Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 04:02:28 PM

Hello All,

For Valentine's Day I am posting the Heart courts. I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day. 

We have 10 days left on the campaign and we have just over $3K to fund. I have a special bonus stretch at $22,500 for everyone that I will be revealing in the next few days. Again here is the short link and I made a backer Avatar that some have asked for :)


Happy Valentines

Michael Scott

Gaff Card, & Stretch Goals
over 8 years ago – Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 09:34:58 PM

Hello Backers,

The campaign is moving well. I have the first stretch goal ready to go. The first stretch Goal is $24,000. If we reach it the limited decks will get numbered metal cert cards. 

Here is the card for today. One of the Gaff cards is a restoration of the Bazique Register, here is an original and the restoration. The name changed over the years and is now know as bezique. The game was most popularity in the 1860's. One of the most most famous proponent of the game was Winston Churchill, who played Six-Pack, or "Chinese" Bezique.

 Stretch Goal 2 will be the release of a 2nd Weathered deck with the other color. We need all of the help and backers we can get to reach these sweet goals. Here is a short link so that you can share the project. Thanks for your support :) !!

Awesome 1st Day!!! Thank you!
over 8 years ago – Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 09:34:12 PM

Thank you everyone for a great 1st day of the campaign! We are over 50% funded and well on our way to making this an amazing project. 

The weathered decks were gobbled up pretty quickly. I have a few more that I am going to release right after this update. I am going to add them to the $100 pledge.

As far as stretch goals go, there will be a few coming up which will include metal cert cards for the limited decks and the release of a second weathered deck in the other color. 

Card of the Day: Here is one of the Jokers in the Standard deck.